STED COUNCIL ELECTRICAL QA\QC 2022 SCHEME 0% STED COUNCIL (QA/QC) Online Exam Your NameEmail-idPhone Number 1 / 50 1) Form factor for a sine wave is 1.11 0.637 0.707 1.414 2 / 50 2) The material commonly used for sheath of underground cables is Iron Lead Copper Rubber 3 / 50 3) Sulphur hexafluoride is a conductor semiconductor inactive gas dielectric 4 / 50 4) Distribution lines in India generally use None of the above Steel towers Wooden poles R.C.C poles 5 / 50 5) How much current is produced by a voltage of 18kV across a 15-kilo ohm resistance? 12mA 12A 1.2A 120mA 6 / 50 6) The algebraic sum of voltages around any closed path in a network is equal to 0 1 infinity negative polarity 7 / 50 7) The fuse rating is expressed in terms of current VAR kVA voltage 8 / 50 8) 3-point starter is used to start the series motor Both (b) and (c) shunt motor compound motor 9 / 50 9) The chemical used in breather for transformer should have the quality of absorbing moisture cleansing the transformer oil cooling the transformer oil ionizing air 10 / 50 10) Permissible current density of GI 118A/mm2 48A/mm2 .28A/mm2 1.2A/mm2 test wrong answer test right answer 11 / 50 11) For which motors DOL starter can be used Up to 5 H.P Up to 20 H.P Up to 15 H.P Up to 10 H.P 12 / 50 12) The primary winding of a transformer has a 120V ac supply. What is the value of secondary voltage if the turns ratio is 10 1200V 12000V 12V 120V 13 / 50 13) Which of the following does not change in an ordinary transformer all of the above Current Voltage Frequency 14 / 50 14) A 3-phase 4-wire system is commonly used on Secondary distribution Primary transmission Secondary transmission Primary distribution 15 / 50 15) In an induction motor, rotor slots are usually not quite parallel to the shaft but are given a slight skew To increase the speed of the rotor To reduce the magnetic hum To reduce the locking tendency of the rotor Both (a) and (b) 16 / 50 16) The filament of electric bulb is made of nickel tungsten carbon aluminum 17 / 50 17) Capacitors for power factor correction are rated in kVAR kW kVA kV 18 / 50 18) Which of the following circuit element stores energy in the electromagnetic field inductance resistance condenser variable resistor 19 / 50 19) A series motor is best suited for driving machine tools cranes and hoists none of the above shear and punches 20 / 50 20) For 66Kv lines the number of insulator disc are used 2 10 8 6 21 / 50 21) Relation between phase voltage and line voltage in three phase delta connected system Vline= Vphase Vline= 1.41Vphase Vline= Vphase/1.73 Vline= 1.73Vphase test wrong answer test right answer 22 / 50 22) A fuse is connected either in series or parallel with the circuit in series with the circuit in parallel with the circuit none of the above 23 / 50 23) Factors on which soil resistance depends moisture salt depth of electrode all of the above 24 / 50 24) In which of the following motors the stator and rotor magnetic field rotate at the same speed universal motor induction motor reluctance motor synchronous motor 25 / 50 25) Pin type insulators are not used for voltages beyond 1kV 33kV 11kV 22kV 26 / 50 26) Fuse protection is used for current ratings up to 10A 100A 50A 20A 27 / 50 27) The frequency of domestic power supply in India is 50 Hz 100 Hz 200 Hz 60 Hz 28 / 50 28) The conductors of the overhead lines are Both (a) and (b) Solid None of the above Stranded 29 / 50 29) Laminated core in electrical machines are used to reduce hysteresis loss all of the above copper loss eddy current loss 30 / 50 30) The operating voltage of extra high-tension cables is up to 6.6kV 33kV 11kV 66kV 31 / 50 31) In a cable immediately above, metallic sheath _______ is provided bedding earthing connection none of the above armouring 32 / 50 32) Moisture content in the soil _______ earth soil resistance does not affect increase none of the above decrease 33 / 50 33) Power factor of the following circuit will be unity resistance both (a) and (b) capacitance inductance 34 / 50 34) The speed of a synchronous motor always remain constant increases as the load increases decreases as the load decreases none of the above 35 / 50 35) The operating voltage of high-tension cables is up to 66kV 11kV 6.6kV 33kV 36 / 50 36) The field coils of D.C generator are made of copper mica carbon cast iron 37 / 50 37) The medium employed for extinction of arc in air circuit breaker is air oil vacuum SF6 38 / 50 38) What is the insulation breakdown voltage of a cable 880V 1100V 1000V 1200V 39 / 50 39) Which type of wiring system is suitable for multistorey building looping out with junction box Ring main system distribution board system Tree system 40 / 50 40) Transformer ratings are given in kVAR HP kVA KW 41 / 50 41) The voltage of the single-phase supply to residential consumer is 210V 230V 400V 110V 42 / 50 42) Transmission line insulators are made of P.V.C iron glass porcelain 43 / 50 43) What is the standard size of GI earth wire in domestic installation 10 SWG 8 SWG 12 SWG 14 SWG 44 / 50 44) Starters are used with D.C motors because These motors have high starting torque To restrict armature current as there is no back emf while starting Back emf of these motors is initially zero These motors are not self-starting test wrong answer test right answer 45 / 50 45) The insulating material of a cable should have high dielectric strength low-cost all of the above high mechanical strength 46 / 50 46) Overhead system can be designed for operation up to 400kV 11kV 66kV 33kV 47 / 50 47) What will happen if DC motor is used without starter It will start smoothly Will not start at all Heavy sparking at brushes Depends on load 48 / 50 48) H.R.C fuses provide best protection against short circuits open circuits reverse current overload 49 / 50 49) Breaking capacity of a circuit breaker is usually expressed in terms of MW amperes volts MVA 50 / 50 50) Differential relays use the principle of Current magnitude comparison between incoming and outgoing feeder Frequency domain analysis Time domain comparison Your score is 0%